A world where monsterkind have made their own nation, giants have made their own, dwarves and dragonborn also have large expanses of land, and humans and elves are left to fend for their own regions.
The known areas of the world so far include the nation known as Wesmia populated largely by those of the Semilan culture, namely humans and elves, with reasonably strong access to many other parts of the world. It is a theocracy focussing on Olalos, the Great Mother, and while most follow her teachings or that of her children, not all do. Only followers of Llular the Eight are considered heretical, despite Llular being one of Olalos' beloved children. The interests of Wesmia are decreed by The Mystic Mother, the pontiff of the Olalos faithful, and enforced by The Azure Shield. The Superior Mitzvon is the codex of ultimate laws, and Minor Mitzvon are lesser decrees that are intended to clarify how to live out the Superior Mitzvon but can sometimes conflict with one another. To the north of Wesmia is Wesleria, a part of old Semila that seceeded from Wesmia to form its own nation focussing on the Arcane as opposed to the Divine. To the east is the monstrous nation of Stiag, and south across the Red Reach is the dwarvish Rorian Empire. To the west is a small nation of halfling followers of Siobhan The Hostess, and beyond lie the giantkind Cerref Hordes. Rumours abound of warring nations in far off lands. This is a homebrewed campaign setting. WindyJ occasionally does mini-streams for his homebrew time, allowing for viewers and members of the Discord Guild to have input into the development. |